Graduated in Geological Sciences in 1994 at Padua University, he obtained the PhD in "Space Science and Technology" in 1998 at the same University. Since December 2002 he has been teaching "Geological mapping", "Satellite Remote Sensing" and "Planetary geology" at the University of Padua. From 2016 he is scientific coordinator and prime instructor of the PANGAEA geological training course for ESA Astronauts. He has been involved in several cartographic and field survey projects in the Italian Alps, North Africa and South America and he contributed to the field surveys for the Brenner Basis Tunnel project transecting the Central Eastern Alps where he applied also 3D geo-modeling techniques. He is team member of the following instruments mounted on ESA space missions: SIMBIOSYS-BepiColombo (Project Scientist); CaSSIS-Exo Mars (Co-Investigator); OSIRIS- Rosetta (Associate Scientist) and JANUS-Juice mission (Co-Investigator). He is PI of the H2020-PLANMAP project (776276) aiming at producing innovative planetary geological maps and 3D geo-models that will feed ESA archive and support future ESA mission on Mars, Moon and Mercury. His research interests include planetary surface geology and geomorphology, tectonics and geo-structural analysis, GIS and geo-modeling for geological mapping and geo-structural reconstructions. On these subjects he chaired various EGU and EPSC sessions. Author of 129 ISI/Scopus publications (41 on Earth Sciences, 88 on Solar System Science) and 16 geological maps. H-Index: 33. Awards: 2000-"Giuseppe and Paolo Gatto" Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei award for Alpine studies; 2017-the International Astronomical Union named Asteroid 11440 after "Massironi".
Key words: Planetary geology, Geological mapping, Structural geology.
Prof. Matteo Massironi (M)
Dipartimento di Geoscienze
Universita' degli Studi di Padova
via G. Gradenigo 6
35131 Padova
tel: 0498279116
Matteo Massironi
![Matteo Massironi](/files/source/Editorial%20Board%20-%20Team/Massironi.png)