Jean-Luc Epard is an associate professor of structural and alpine geology at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland. His primary research interests and expertise are centered on collisional mountain chains, with a particular focus on the Alps and the Himalayas. He has worked in various tectonic settings, ranging from detachment folding in non-metamorphic fold and thrust belts (Jura Mountains) to the exhumation of UHP nappes in the Himalayas (Tso Morari nappe, India). He has contributed to geological mapping projects for the Swiss Geological Survey, including maps at a scale of 1:25,000, and has been involved in the elaboration of the tectonic map of the Swiss Western Alps at a scale of 1:100,000. In the Himalayas, he participated in the publication of a map of the Nidar ophiolites and coordinated a three-volume book on the geology of the Himalayas. Currently, one of his main interests is deciphering the role of inherited structures on the geometry and kinematics of the Middle Penninic nappes in the Alps of western Switzerland.
Keywords: Field geology, Structural geology, Alps, Himalayas.
University of Lausanne, Institute of Earth Science (ISTE)
Geopolis, FGSE
Ch-1015 Lausanne - Switzerland
Phone: + 41 21 692 43 66