Francesca Remitti



Francesca Remitti is an Associate Professor in Structural Geology at the Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche e Geologiche. Her main research focuses on the internal architecture, mechanics, and deformation processes in the frontal part of subduction zones, where lithification occurs together with progressive deformation. Her work involves studying ancient analogues of subduction complexes and comparing them with active examples. Her research ranges from regional geology to microstructural analysis.

In recent years, she has focused on:
i) The mechanics of clay-rich faults at different slip rates, temperatures, and clay mineralogies;
ii) Faulting in overpressured rocks and the role of fluid pressure/permeability cycles;
iii) Tectonic and gravitational disruption of rocks at shallow depths and the evolution of block-in-matrix fabric with increasing temperature and pressure.
She teaches Structural Geology and Tectonics for Geology students and is part of the faculty of the PhD program in "Models and Methods for Material and Environmental Sciences" at UniMoRe. She is the author or co-author of several publications in high-impact scientific journals and serves as a Subject Editor for the Journal of the Geological Society.

Sedimentary Rocks, Northern Apennines.
Department of Chemical and Geological Sciences
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
via Campi, 103, Modena, Italy


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