Matteo Simonetti



Matteo Simonetti graduated in Geology at the University of Turin in 2015. He received a PhD at the University of Turin in 2019, on exumation of crustal rocks in a transpressional regimes. The main research interest lies in the field of continental tectonics, collisional orogens, process of ductile deformation, geological mapping and relations between ductile and brittle deformation within the crust. His activity focus on combining geological mapping and structural and microstructural analysis of deformed rocks with detailed study of the kinematic of the flow, finite strain, quartz micostructures and fabrics and high resolution U(-Th)-Pb isotope geochronology in order to identify and constrain the temporal and spatial scale of processes that affects polydeformed rocks, with a particular attention to regional-scale shear zones. The multidisciplinary approach followed in his activity allow to precisely reconstruct the structural asset of sectors of orogenic chains that suffered polyphasic deformation and metamorphism and also to reveal the role of the studied shear zones in the evolution of the collisional orogens. Matteo Simonetti is particularly interested in the study of the tectonic evolution of the Variscan Belt, of the Western Alps and of the Himalayan Chain. He actually works on regional shear zones affecting the fragments of the Variscan Belt in the Western Alps and in the Mediterranean area with the aim of unreveal their possible correlation and their role during the evolution of the Variscan Belt. Recently the activity of Matteo Simonetti also focused on the effect of rifting processes in the lower crust exposed in the Ivrea-Verbano Zone (Western Alps) and on the modern tecniques for geological mapping of complex areas of crystalline basaments.

Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA)
Via Vitaliano Brancati, 60 - 00144 Roma


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