Aims & Scope: The aim of GFT&M is to promote field geology by making field geology data available to the broadest international audience, including the description of field trips held during scientific conferences and workshops. Geological guides and maps considered for publication in GFT&M may cover a wide range of topics related to Earth and planetary sciences, including stratigraphy, sedimentology, paleontology, structural geology, volcanology, petrology, metamorphic geology, geomorphology, engineering geology, tectonics and planetary geology, in areas of high geological interest. Emphasis is given to innovative techniques and applications. High-quality maps derived from national mapping projects (e.g., the Italian CARG Project etc.) that aim to summarize or explore in more detail specific scientific topics at an appropriate scale are also welcome. It is indexed by Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCIE), Web of Science, Current Contents/Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences (CC/PC&ES).